Flexruimte - Tolhuistuin EN
Flex 2022 13


When entering through our main entrance downstairs, you find "de Flexruimte"at the end of the long hallway. The name of the room reveals it's flexible function. It can be used as a meeting room, for break-out sessions, wardrobe for bigger events, so many possibilities.

Tour of this venue

Flex 2022 14 Flex 2022 6 Flex 2022 8 Flex 2022 1

Tour of this venue

  • Flex 2022 14
  • Flex 2022 6
  • Flex 2022 8
  • Flex 2022 1



10 zitplaatsen - cabaretopstelling

30 zitplaatsen - theateropstelling

500 jassen - garderobe


  • 30 stoelen
  • 10 kleine tafels
  • schrijfvellen

Want to rent this venue?

Prijzen voor de Flexruimte zijn op aanvraag. Mail verhuur@tht.nl voor meer informatie over de Flexruimte.

Happening in Flexruimte
Happening in Flexruimte
Happening in Flexruimte
Happening in Flexruimte
Podcastakademie THT

Podcastakademie: De geheime kracht van de stem

De stem is een belangrijk instrument voor de podcastmaker. In deze workshop leer je de geheime krachten van je stem kennen van podcastmaker Siona Houthuys (Audiocollectief Schik).

read more
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Other venues

In the Paviljoen, the former canteen of the Royal Dutch Shell, there are differente venues for rent. The venues are being used for meetings, seminars, presentations, festivals, parties and performances.

Other venues

In the Paviljoen, the former canteen of the Royal Dutch Shell, there are differente venues for rent. The venues are being used for meetings, seminars, presentations, festivals, parties and performances.