Music Declares Emergency op Lowlands 23
During this past Lowlands weekend, who saw Music Declares Emergency passing by with countless fake tattoos, photos and videos? De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig, Foals, Yungblud, S10, King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard, Froukje all came by for a photo. Even Billie Eilish projected the words "No music on a dead planet" during her performance!
In the past year we pulled closely with Music Declares Emergency NL. This initiative of Dutch artists joins a worldwide movement of artists who are using their stage to call attention to the climate crisis. "The music industry is not the most polluting, but it is the most visible. This is exactly what artists should take advantage of. They can use their stage to engage their audience on this issue," said Frederike Berendsen (stage name FRÉ), one of the founders.Froukje
About Music Declares Emergency
Launched in 2019, Music Declares Emergency believes in the power of music to promote necessary cultural change to create a greener, fairer, better future.
Music Declares Emergency represents all areas of the music industry regardless of genre, role, gender, race or sexuality and is led by individuals united by a deep concern for the climate and environmental emergency we currently face. They recognize that because of its unique challenges, the music industry needs its own group to drive this debate.
Sound of the Earth
As it becomes increasingly clear that the climate crisis is a daily reality affecting us all, we need all the more images of the future to look forward to. Reconnecting with each other, with nature and planet earth. And we find that connection through music, images and stories. It is precisely music, images and stories that can bring people together and touch their hearts. That is exactly what we need to get moving. From that line of thinking, the plan arose to make a short film.Artists FRÉ and Shishani, filmmaker Mats Logan and Vera Born, our We Are Warming Up colleague from Impact Makers got to work. From We Are Warming Up, our annual festival on climate justice, we also contributed to this film production.
Thus was born the short film: Sound of the Earth. Sound of the Earth is a multidisciplinary project that uses the connecting power of music as a universal language and engine for change and combines it with the impact of images.
We are mega proud that this short film premiered at the biggest music festival in the Netherlands, Lowlands! And not only that. Numerous artists had their pictures taken at the banner with #nomusiconadeadplanet tattoos last weekend to express how important they think it is.
Also at Tolhuistuin, we put up such a banner in the backstage where artists can have their picture taken to express support!
Finally, Anna Silvia and FRÉ also released another awesome song together, Day after tomorrow. A climate battle song as an ode to the climate movement fighting tirelessly for a livable future.
See below more artists who stopped by for a photo with the "No music on a dead planet!" banner.
Lancey Foux
Son Mieux
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