Garden Trail Walking routes Amsterdam North
GardenTrail walking routes
Discover Amsterdam Noord on foot during the GardenTrail walking routes. This series of walking and listening tours offers a fresh perspective on the city. During these tours, explore the beautiful nature, both known and hidden spots, in the parks and gardens of Amsterdam Noord. Discover the value of green in a special way. Listen to the stories of gardeners, city ecologists and volunteers. Will you join the walk?
Two routes are available: a rural route of 12 km and an urban route of 13 km from Tolhuistuin along green parks and neighbourhood initiatives. You can combine the routes perfectly for a long walk of 25 km. Charge your phone, bring your earphones, put on your walking shoes and go!
Rural route
This route through the six northern garden parks is based on the Volkstuinroute Boven IJ, which was already walked in 2006. Discover the many ways gardeners are increasing biodiversity at their parks and making the city a little more climate resilient. Step into a green world full of pile walls, butterfly and insect gardens, wadis, toad pools and natural ponds, food forests and branchwalls. During the walk, listen to the passionate gardeners and their stories. For young children, there is a lovely gnome trail at Tuinpark Tuinwijck.
Urban route
During this route, be surprised by urban nature and the inspiring green (neighbourhood) initiatives of Amsterdam volunteers. Listen to Arnold van der Valk's warm story about the Food Park on IJplein. And wander through the Vliegenbos with city ecologist Melvin Stigter to learn about ecological forest management, native plants and trees. What birds do you hear there and what insects do you see? What use are fallen trees to nature? This urban route full of green stories also passes the Moestuinschool, the Noorderpark, Tuinpark Buitenzorg, the Nieuwendammerdijk and connects to the rural garden parks via the Schellingwouderbreek.
Hiking map: online & for sale
The two walking routes with (audio) stories can always be walked for free by phone via The paper walking maps are for sale for EUR 2.50 in the shops of the garden parks and at Tolhuistuin.
Tuintrail is co-sponsored by all the garden parks: Tuinpark Wijkergouw, Tuinpark Buikslotermeer, Tuinpark de Molen, Tuinpark Tuinwijk, Tuinpark Kweeklust and Tuinpark Rust & Vreugd. And made possible by Groen in de buurt Stadsdeel Noord, Aanpak Noord and Stichting Tolhuistuin.
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